
  • February 10, 2023 New version of the PC-3000 Mobile 2.3x is available now

    The authorized PC-3000 Mobile technical support users can find the update and the list of enhancements on the Personal Pages in the Technical Support Portal.

  • January 30, 2023 New revision of the PC-3000 Portable, ver. 3.2

    Since the beginning of 2023 the delivery kits of all the PC-3000 Portable III Systems include a new hardware controller, version 3.2.
    ACE Lab developers have made a number of changes in the circuitry, which increased the stability and performance of the PC-3000 Portable.
    All changes and improvements have been made based on the feedbacks by our customers over the past 3 years.

  • January 25, 2023 IT-FORENSIC Roadshow - UAE, QATAR, KSA, and BAHRAIN

    We are glad to announce that the PC-3000 Solutions will be presented at the IT-Forensic Roadshow organized by the ACE Lab technology partner in the GCC region mhc-SERVICE. The Roadshow will be held in the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain.

    The digital forensics experts from these countries and nearby areas are invited to join the events to see the latest PC-3000 technologies necessary for digital forensics experts.

  • December 21, 2022 Season’s Greetings and a Happy New Year 2023!

    2022 is coming to its end, and now it’s time to analyze what has been done and to set new goals.

    Many things have been fulfilled by ACE Lab throughout this year: the switch to a new SDK and a new TS portal, many updates, support of new models and features, a lot of online and onsite international events.

    We are grateful to ACE Lab customers and PC-3000 users for being with ACE Lab, and we continue doing our best to support you by bringing the latest innovations for you to be on top in data recovery.

    ACE Lab wishes you and your families happiness and all the best in 2023!

  • December 14, 2022 Build a Universal Data Recovery Toolkit with the SAS adapter for PC-3000 Portable III

    The SAS adapter III will complete your PC-3000 Portable III solution to cover all popular drives!

    Prepare your lab for practically any possible case including SAS HDD/SSDs using a special SAS adapter for the Portable III System which is a universal tool for recovering data from various storage media types.

    Contact to learn more!

  • December 08, 2022 The new PC-3000 Software Ver. 7.2.12, Data Extractor / Data Extractor RAID Edition Ver. 6.2.11, PC-3000 SSD Ver. 3.2.9 has been released

    The latest PC-3000 Software is available! Thanks to the new SDK we have recently switched to, it's already been the 3rd major software update released this year.

    The new update has brought the enhanced T2 Reading and Analysis Mode, the support of PS5012, PS3112, and of new SAS SSDs, as well as many more other useful features to improve your work with data recovery cases! All this is available in the freshly-released versions of the English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean software:

    • PC-3000 Portable II-III/Express/UDMA-E software Ver. 7.2.12
    • PC-3000 SAS software Ver. 7.2.12
    • Data Extractor / Data Extractor RAID Edition software Ver. 6.2.11
    • PC-3000 SSD/SSD Extended software Ver. 3.2.9

    All authorized technical support users will get the latest software versions.

  • November 29, 2022 The First ACE Lab Conference in India Has Been Successfully Conducted

    The First ACE Lab Data Recovery Conference in India was successfully conducted on November 14, 2022, in Hyderabad, together with our partner in India Zoom Technologies P Ltd.

    Around 100 data recovery specialists attended the conference as well as those planning to start in this field. At the conference, 8 hours of useful information have been provided on HDD, SSD and Flash data recovery – both theoretical principles and practical up-to-date cases. The event participants also had a 2-hour Q&A session with ACE Lab Team where they asked important questions and shared feedback.

    Now, the PC-3000 solutions are even closer to our Indian customers with Zoom Technologies.

  • November 21, 2022 ACE Lab Took Part in the 7th INTERPOL Digital Forensics Expert Group Meeting

    The 7th INTERPOL DFEG (Digital Forensic Experts Group) Meeting 2022 took place on November 08-10 in the National Forensic Sciences University (NFSU) in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India and gathered almost 500 attendees. ACE Lab takes part in this annual event regularly as an invited speaker. This year we have been honoured to speak on the topic of mobile forensics and present our solution on digital evidence extraction from Android-based smartphones with Second Space feature.

  • October 19, 2022 SAVE THE DATE: First ACE Lab Conference in India on November 14, 2022

    The first ACE Lab Conference in India is on its way!

    We are glad to announce that we are going to make the ACE Lab Conference on November 14, 2022 for the first time in India.

    The First ACE Lab Conference in India will be held live onsite in Hyderabad. This event is intended for data recovery specialists, digital forensics experts, those who are planning to start working in these branches, and everyone who wants to learn more about data recovery and digital forensics.

    Approval of registration is required to attend the conference. The number of seats is limited. Click here to register!

  • October 12, 2022 ACE Lab at FT-Day and Fife’22 Digital Forensic Events

    At the end of September, ACE Lab PC-3000 Solutions were showcased at two annual events: the Forensic Technology Day (FT-Day) in Germany and Feria de Informática Forense en España (Fife`22) in Spain. Experts and private companies from all over the world took part in these conferences to learn about the innovations, trends and new solutions in the digital forensic area. To learn more and to see the photos, please go to the full article.

  • October 05, 2022 The Closed Data Recovery Leaders Meetup was Held in ACE Lab Prague Office

    On October 03, a Closed Data Recovery Leaders Meetup was held in the ACE Lab Prague office.

    47 visitors from 23 countries all over Europe attended our Meetup to see the latest ACE Lab developments and innovations and listen to ACE Lab vision of trends in the industry. The ACE Lab office in Prague was filled up to its full capacity! The event participants discussed the data recovery tendencies, issues, challenges and their solutions and networked with ACE Lab engineers and colleagues from the data recovery field.

    We thank the meetup attendees for coming and for active participation.

    ACE Lab plans to make more onsite events like conferences and meetups in the near future. Hope to see all our customers and PC-3000 users at the next ACE Lab events!

  • September 26, 2022 Meet the PC-3000 at FT-Day 2022!

    ACE Lab is to take part at FT-Day on September 28-29, 2022, in Germany!

    This year, it is the 14th Forensic Technology Day which will be held onsite at our partner’s mh SERVICE GmbH headquarters in Kandel. ACE Lab company participates in this event on a regular basis and will present its new technologies at FT-Day 2022. We will be glad to share our experience in forensic data recovery and to showcase solutions to important issues in the field.

    We look forward to meeting you at FT-Day 2022 to discuss the latest trends and answer your questions.

  • September 23, 2022 RAID Data Recovery Webinar Video

    In September, ACE Lab held a Free Webinar on RAID data recovery where our engineer told more about RAID data recovery and its tips & tricks as well as demonstrated how-to-solve guides, real-life RAID cases and answered your technical questions.

    Now, we publish the recording of the webinar for you.

    Welcome to watch it in our new YouTube video!

  • September 19, 2022 See ACE Lab at Fife’22 in Spain!

    On September 22, the PC-3000 Solutions will be presented at the Digital Forensics Fair in Madrid – Feria de Informática Forense en España (FiFE´22).

    ACE Lab Team will be happy to greet you at our stand and to show you how you can extract data and digital evidence from damaged storage media in the smartest way with the PC-3000.

    We will also hold a presentation on data & digital evidence recovery from Android mobile phones with the second space feature.

  • September 13, 2022 PC-3000 Data Recovery Training: Now in Turkey Too!

    The PC-3000 Data Recovery Training is now available in Turkey!

    ACE Lab instructors will be glad to share their knowledge with you at the next training sessions on RAID, HDD, SSD, and Flash data recovery in Istanbul. Meanwhile, the live training is also held at the ACE Lab office in Prague.

    Contact us at to book your seat at the training!



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