
  • March 16, 2016 Upcoming NAND/Monolith Recovery Training in the USA
    You are welcome to attend the 4-day NAND/Monolith Recovery training on May 2-5, 2016 in Norwalk, CT, USA.

    ACE Lab continues to conduct the training seminars for our American customers.
  • March 14, 2016 Breakthrough in Recovering Data from Self-Encrypting HDDs! One-day ACE Lab Conference in Prague

    Impossible to recover data from a Seagate F3 Self-Encrypting Drive?
    Seagate F3 HDD technological mode is locked?
    Unsolved cases pile up in your lab? What to do?

    ACE Lab is going to present a New One-click Solution to regain access to the drive!

    You have a chance to be among the first to get familiar with this unique solution which is of great demand in the data recovery industry.

    On April 22, 2016, ACE Lab will hold a One-day Technology Conference in Prague, the Czech Republic, on the basis of our Prague representative office.

    The conference will unveil our Breakthrough in recovering data from Self-Encrypting Drives. Along with it, ACE Lab will demonstrate the latest advances for recovering data from SSDs, NAND-based devices, VM and RAID.

  • March 02, 2016 PC-3000 Flash Ver. 4.0 – recovering data from monoliths is even more efficient now

    Our technical support department is receiving more and more requests from the clients who need to recover data from monolithic Flash devices.

    To recover data from a monolith is considered a difficult task that requires special data recovery instruments. No wonder some engineers even prefer to stay aside from such tasks.

    It's time to keep up with the latest challenges! Grab the opportunity to become one of the few professionals who can tackle even the most complicated monolithic recovery cases!

  • January 11, 2016 PC-3000 is compatible with Windows 10
    ACE Lab has successfully conducted the OS Windows 10 compatibility tests for the PC-3000.

    All the PC-3000 products with the latest software versions can be installed on the Windows 10 OS platform.
    For all the PC-3000 products, the digital signatures of executable files have been added:
    • for the PC-3000 kernel
    • for the installation file
  • December 24, 2015 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
    Dear Friends!

    Christmas is a season of giving and celebration. We would like to celebrate the success of the passing year and say “Thank You” to all our customers for giving us so much of your loyalty and passion for data recovery!

    ACE Lab wishes you a year of professional and personal accomplishments, health and prosperity!
    Happy Holidays to you and your family!

    At this joyous time of the year, we reflect on how much has been done this year and is going to be done in future.
  • December 22, 2015 ACE Lab participated in the closed conference for the Police of the Czech Republic
    The PC-3000 technology is getting more and more popular among law enforcement and forensic agencies around the globe.

    Everyone who started using the PC-3000 products in the forensic field, has realized that the PC-3000 can be a key to success when you need to obtain digital evidence from a physically damaged storage media where the data seems inaccessible.

    ACE Lab was invited to a closed event held by the Police of the Czech Republic on the 9th of December, 2015. It was a meeting of forensic experts and organizations involved in the forensic area.

  • December 04, 2015 PC-3000 Flash software Ver. 7.0.3 is available now
    The following English software update is released:

    PC-3000 Flash software Ver. 7.0.3

    In this release, the PC-3000 Flash software has been optimized for working both with the Reader Ver.4.0 and Ver. 3.0. A lot of new useful features have been introduced.
  • December 01, 2015 ACE Lab partners with Donor Drives – New opportunities to get donor hard drives
    ACE Lab is proud to announce the start of the technological partnership with Donor Drives – the world's largest supplier of donor hard drives and PCBs.
    Donor drives is well-known worldwide for its highest level of arranging donor hard drives for data recovery experts.
    Their fully automated inventory enables to get the necessary donors as fast and easy as possible.

    Now ACE Lab's new partnership with Donor Drives will help data recovery professionals get donor drives even easier and faster.

    The latest software version 6.0 of the PC-3000 allows users to order donor hard drives directly from Donor Drives without leaving the PC-3000 interface. Simply select the appropriate hard drive utility, go to Utility Status, and click Search Donor Drives. You can choose the search parameters and quickly find the donor in the Donor Drives Inventory System.
  • November 26, 2015 The Chinese version of the PC-3000 products is launched
    The PC-3000 is available not only in the English, Russian, Japanese languages, but also in the Chinese language!

    The official users of the PC-3000 products, which are licensed for use in China, can get the Chinese version free of charge!
  • November 24, 2015 New software versions PC-3000 Ver. 6.0.14, Data Extractor Ver. 5.3.1 and PC-3000 SSD Ver. 2.0.2 are available now
    The following English PC-3000 software updates are released:

    PC-3000 Express/UDMA/Portable Ver.6.0.14
    PC-3000 SAS Ver.6.0.14
    PC-3000 SSD Ver.2.0.2
    Data Extractor Ver.5.3.1
    Data Extractor RAID Edition Ver.5.3.1
  • November 19, 2015 The latest word in NAND Data Recovery

    The PC-3000 Flash solution is proved to be the most user-friendly, comprehensive solution that helps you to recover data from the widest range of NAND-based devices.

    Version 4.0 is the newest generation of the PC-3000 Flash. It is an optimized, even more comprehensive, multi-faceted NAND Recovery Product of utmost functionality, which allows to get the best results dealing with the latest types of microchips, including the most intricate ones.

  • November 13, 2015 PC-3000 Forum is moved to a NEW web engine
    The PC-3000 Forum has become faster, more structured, and more functional. We have merged the main forum ( and the forum for Flash drives ( into one large PC-3000 Forum.

    The old topics from the previous forums have been moved into the “Archive" SubForums. It means that you will be able to read the old posts and topics without adding updates or commenting them.
  • November 01, 2015 Last Chance to get the Newest Tools at Special Prices
    Are you still using the old PC-3000 UDMA, PC-3000 PCI or PC-3000 SCSI?

    Although these products used to be very efficient and best-in-class data recovery tools, nowadays you are unlikely to stay competitive in the IT business if you are using the 9- or even 12-year-old technologies.

    Moreover, starting from the 1st of January 2016, all regular software updates will be no longer available for the old “green” PC-3000 UDMA, PC-3000 PCI, and PC-3000 SCSI.
  • October 12, 2015 Spotlight on the "Monolith. Top-level Technology for Top-level Tasks." conference
    Before attending the conference in NY on the 18th of September 2015, our guests could not even imagine that monolith recovery can be much easier and much more affordable!

    See Video about the Monolith Recovery Conference

    See Video about how the new Monolith Recovery Technology works

    Read the ARTICLE - “How to recover data from a monolith (microSD card)” with a full step-by-step description, pictures, screenshots and a list of necessary tools. It shows how to prepare and solder a microSD card for further data recovery.
  • September 30, 2015 Resounding success of the ACE Lab conference and the first training classes in the USA!
    Great news for all our North and South American customers!

    At the previous ACE Lab conferences in San Francisco and New York in 2014 we announced about our intention to launch the training classes in the USA, and now the plans come true. ACE Lab has started to conduct the professional data recovery training in the USA!

    Being the official opening of the series of training for the PC-3000 users in the USA, the Monolith. Top-level Technology for Top-level Tasks conference (September 18, 2015, NY) has deeply amazed all the attendees, as it provided high-level complex details about the new technology of recovering data from monolithic flash devices.


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