November 19, 2020 |
A Video of the ACE Lab Webinar on Data Recovery for Beginners and Start-ups |
Every week ACE lab has got a lot of requests from the engineers who want to start-up their data recovery businesses. We have already helped thousands of people to do it, so we have decided to systematize our knowledge and share it with you!
That is why we have organized our first Webinar on Data Recovery for beginners and Start-ups this summer. By popular demand of our customers, we have repeated this event last week. Both meetings attracted more than 800 attendees from all over the world: Europe, APAC, Africa, Middle East, North and South Americas.
The webinar has highlighted the most important points and common mistakes that people should keep in mind when opening the data recovery lab. Besides, we have shown how to easily diagnose the drives, make reports, and recover data from HDDs with password-protection/damaged heads, logically damaged USB drives, as well as SATA/PCIe SSDs. At the end of the meeting, we have discussed where to find more clients for the data recovery business and answered the sales and technical questions of the attendees.
If you have missed the event or just want to rewatch it, please check out the Webinar Video:
Have any questions on starting up your data recovery business left? We are always glad to assist!