March 31, 2015 |
New PC-3000 software updates are available now |
The following English and Japanese PC-3000 software updates are available now:
PC-3000 Express/PC-3000 UDMA/PC-3000 Portable Ver.5.9.21
PC-3000 SAS Ver.5.9.21
PC-3000 SSD Ver.2.0.1
Data Extractor Ver.5.2.26
Data Extractor RAID Edition Ver.5.2.26
Seagate F3
- Defect list editor for P List, TA List, Servo Flaws List has been added
- Utility actions for DataExtractor:
- RAM head map correction (it has become possible to set MaxHead, active physical and logical head maps)
- loader usage (Update Microcode) (it has become possible to upload Diag and Tech overlays in RAM) - The capability of scanning the list of the last 32 RW commands to diagnose the errors of system file reading
- Reading modules table and system file list via terminal for HDDs without readiness state
WD Marvel
- Added support for Self-Encrypting Drives with automatic data decryption
- It has become possible to recover P-List from PST logs
- Added SA regions editing in RAM - Support Malibu, Makalu 2.5 families
- It has become possible to work with service area via SATA for SATA HDDs
- Techno mode reading for HDDs with translation initialization error
- The 02TSKB (3,5") family is now supported
- Techno key has been added for Trinity architecture drives with "Apple" firmware
Data Extractor
- It has become possible to work with "physical" sectors of HHDs which have "Logical sector per physical sector" parameter more than 1
- It has become possible to make "snapshots" using head map or legend
- New operations have been added for maps in "Object Map" mode (consolidation, intersection, non-intersection, cutting, inversion, compression)
- It has become possible to decrypt the sectors that were previously read without decryption
RAID Edition
- Auto-detection based on meta-data of: mdadm0.9, mdadm1.x, LDM, Promise Fastrack, and several extends of VMFS
- Map and legend to estimate the state of sectors in virtual RAID
- The functionality for indicating and editing block indices in Reed-Solomon sequence
- Auto-detection for indices of Reed-Solomon sequence
- It has become possible to recover two drives with two Reed-Solomon blocks
PC-3000 SAS
- HUC1090xxCSxx family is now supported
- Modules table can now be loaded
Seagate SAS
- The following features have been added: system files reading/writing, Non Resident G-List editing/clearing, P-list editing, Non Resident Primary DST List editing
- Editing of passport data when working with Flash ROM data
- Corsair SSD Neutron Series Utility is added
- OCZ Barefoot 3 Utility is added
PC-3000 Kernel
- The "if required" option for COM-port parameters has been added
PC-3000 Tools
WD Marvel
- For the "Work and edit HDD resources" mode and "Sector edit" mode, it has become possible to block the "Close" button until the reading process is finished
WD Marvel
- Added support for Self-Encrypting Device HDD with data decryption "on-the-fly"
- Improved head map creation for latest families starting from Tressels
- Added the plugin for 129, 130 modules and header searching for shifts which are different from sector size
- Improved "Upload Dir Into RAM", it has become possible to load from file, and use LDR after DIR loading
- Improved "Defect Lists Report"
- Added SA regions editing mode in RAM
- Support Malibu, Makalu 2.5 families
- Support head map editing for Europa and Esprit families
- Improved modules control sum checking for Orion and Aquarius families
- Support RAM head map for drives with 10 heads
- Plugin for ROM dump working (WD Marvel ROM map), it has become possible to extract/add ROM modules
The following features were added in the Edit HDD ID menu:
- Edit serial number in ROM
- Creation date and DCM editing
- Firmware version editing
- WWN editing
- User password enabling/disabling and editing
- Security level changing
- Master password enabling/disabling and editing
- Master password revision code editing
- Self-Encrypting drive option enabling/disabling
- It has become possible to edit the following fields:
- Spin-up/Spin-down after power-up
- Disable look ahead
- Enable write cache
- Support power-up in standby
- Disable support UDMA all
- Disable support UDMA 66 and above
- Disable support UDMA 100 and above
- Disable support UDMA 133
- Support automatic acoustic management
- Disable support automatic acoustic management
- Enable automatic acoustic management
- Disable security mode support
- Disable host protected area
- Enable relocation
- The Edit HDD ID function has been added for RAM
- The following drive commands have been added:
- Techno ON/OFF
- Firware restart
- Warm reset
- Spin down and reset
- Spin up
- Spin down
- It has become possible to recover P-List from PST logs and to "Upload Dir in RAM" from file
- Interrupt response (cancelling) current process via COM-port
- Interrupt response reading/writing processes
- Optional saving data at utility start via COM-port
WD Caviar, WD Caviar Cyl32, WD Caviar Cyl32 SATA, WD Marvel (non-ROYL HDD)
- Control sum and header checking during modules reading
Seagate F3
Main changes and new functionality:
- Improved LBA to CHS conversion for manual recovering of translator. Following modes have become possible:
- Host USER LBA -> CHS (new, based on: Media cache value, physical LBA alignment factor and physical sector size)
- Native USER LBA -> CHS (old, LBA conversion as is)
- Native System LBA -> CHS (old, LBA conversion as is)
- The functionality for adding and editing defects in P-list, TA-list, and Servo Flaws list
- Utility actions for DataExtractor:
- RAM head map correction (it has become possible to set MaxHead, active physical and logical head maps)
- Loader usage (Update Microcode) (it has become possible to upload Diag and Tach overlays in RAM)
- DIC inhibit (Data Integrity Check) (inhibit power off/on during writing, speed up rate of reading for drives with BAD sectors)
- The capability of scanning the list of the last 32 RW commands to diagnose the errors of system file reading
- Improved password clearing for Momentus Thin drives (Julius1 / Yarra / Sapta)
- The description of system files based on modules table
- The capability of working with ROM dump with 1 MB size
- For drives in busy state, following actions are now available at utility start:
- Reconnect COM-port
- HDD power supply
- Give Soft reset
- Give Hard reset
- Re-read HDD ID
- Give Boot Code mode initialization signal
- Give command mode initialization signal
- Completely optimized Safe Mode initialization procedure
- Improved procedure of working with defect list from RDMT (G-list)
- Improved algorithm of determining the PATA/SATA command set
Main changes and new functionality:- Improved procedure of HDD ID correction for drives of Trinity architecture
- It has become possible to check the report of zone translation table (Work with Service area -> Zone Translation Table -> Report button)
- New functionality for selecting heads to perform physical writing (Utility status -> Physical read -> Read only selected heads)
- The "Edit head map in RAM" test has been improved. It is now possible to load the 9D PARAM_DM module from service area to RAM before editing
- Techno key has been added for Trinity architecture drives with "Apple" firmware
Main changes and new functionality:
- Access to data via SATA for the 29GSG, 46GSX, 52GSX, 55GSXF, 55GSXN, 55GSX, 56GSY, 59GSMP, 59GSM, 59GSXP, 59GSX, 61GSY, 63GSX, 64GSY, 65GSXN, 65GSX, 75GSX, 76GSX families. Access to data via terminal is also available. In "Utility Status" it's now possible to switch between different types of technomodes
- The 02TSKB (3,5") family is now supported
- P-list loading from file is now possible when the "reading via PBA" option is used in active utility mode
- CP-DD Plugin for CP direction mode
- Reading during translation initialization error for Techno-ON mode
- Improved SMART clearing
- It has become possible to hide defects in P-List instead of G-List for LBAs more than 1073741823
PC-3000 SAS
Hitachi (HGST)
The following features have been added for the Cheetah 15K.7, Cheetah NS.2, Barracuda ES.2, Savvio 10K.3, Savvio 10K.4, Savvio 15K.2, Constellation, Constellation ES, Constellation ES.2 families:
The following feature has been added for Cheetah 15K.6, Cheetah 15K.7, Cheetah NS.2, Barracuda ES.2, Savvio 10K.3, Savvio 10K.4, Savvio 15K.2, Constellation, Constellation ES families:
The following feature has been added for Savvio 10K.5, Savvio 15K.3, Constellation.2, Constellation ES.2 families:
PC-3000 RAID Edition
- HUC1090xxCSxx family is now supported
- Modules table can now be loaded from CP 82
The following features have been added for the Cheetah 15K.7, Cheetah NS.2, Barracuda ES.2, Savvio 10K.3, Savvio 10K.4, Savvio 15K.2, Constellation, Constellation ES, Constellation ES.2 families:
- System Files reading/writing
- Non Resident G-List editing and clearing
- P-list editing
- Non Resident Primary DST List editing
The following feature has been added for Cheetah 15K.6, Cheetah 15K.7, Cheetah NS.2, Barracuda ES.2, Savvio 10K.3, Savvio 10K.4, Savvio 15K.2, Constellation, Constellation ES families:
- Editing of passport data when working with Flash ROM data (Tools->Utility extensions->Work with Flash ROM image)
The following feature has been added for Savvio 10K.5, Savvio 15K.3, Constellation.2, Constellation ES.2 families:
- Editing of passport data and head map when working with Flash ROM data
PC-3000 RAID Edition
Main changes and new functionality:
- "Row Shift" parameter for RAID 5, RAID 5EE, and RAID 6 levels, which allows to move the table by certain number of rows
- Map and legend to estimate the state of sectors in virtual RAID
- The functionality for indicating and editing block indices in Reed-Solomon sequence
- Auto-detection based on meta-data of: mdadm0.9, mdadm1.x, LDM, Promise Fastrack, and several extends of VMFS
- Auto-detection for indices of Reed-Solomon sequence
- It has become possible to recover two drives with two Reed-Solomon blocks
- RAID 6 level detection for mdamd (table is line shifted)
Data Extractor
Main changes and new functionality:
All authorized technical support users will get the latest versions.
Please contact us to get information how to recieve the latest PC-3000 Software Updates.
Main changes and new functionality:
- New legend for decrypted sectors
- It has become possible to decrypt the sectors that were previously read without decryption
- For virtual file system based on results of Scan MFT or Partition analysis, it has become possible to make "snapshots" using head map or legend, which allows to separate files with bad sectors from "fully read files" (all sectors are green) depending on parameters setting
- Changes in the DRQ control and its options that have helped to speed up the rate of reading/writing for Express and UDMA-E
- New type of files in RAW recovery mode
- Improved algorithm of search in "Quick disk analisys" mode
- EXT4 file system: It has become possible to results of uncompleted partition analysis for RAID recovering
- UFS file system: It has become possible to results of uncompleted partition analysis for RAID recovering
- XFS file system: ABTB and ABTC blocks have been added to the metadata map, Sparsed files are supported now, Map of XFS metadata for sector size > 512 bytes is supported now
- HFS+ file system: detemination of block size in Partition Scan mode (if Volume Header is missing)
- Spared files are now supported in XFS
- New feature of the sector editor: a small white marker at the right bottom corner that indicates the "empty" sectors (sectors filled by zeros)
- New operations have been added for maps in "Object Map" mode
- consolidation of two maps
- intersection of two maps
- non-intersection of two maps
- cutting one map from other
- map inversion
- map compression
- Comments for chains in "Object Map" mode now can be cleared
- SATA cable control for the drives connected directly to PC3000 ports
PC-3000 SSD
Main changes and new functionality in PC-3000 SSD version 2.0.1:
- Corsair SSD Neutron Series Utility is added
- OCZ Barefoot 3 Utility is added:
- NAND Flash Memory chip ID testing
- Dump saving feature for NAND Flash Memory chips
- Now it is possible to work with NAND Memory chips from DE task
- New form "Utility Status"
- New tests for switching a drive from the "Safe" mode into "Normal" mode
- Error handling during data readout from a drive
- Correct initialization of SSD after power reset
- New test for unlocking and cleaning password information for the drives which are operated in "Normal" mode
- Bug fixes for drives with 512GB capacity
All authorized technical support users will get the latest versions.
Please contact us to get information how to recieve the latest PC-3000 Software Updates.